Thursday, November 6, 2014

State Senator chameleon does it again

Sen. Daniel Hall of Wyoming, who switches party affiliation more often than some people change their underwear, did it again to break a tie in the State Senate and put the Republicans in control, 18-16, for the first time since 1933.
Daniel Hall, a Democrat
turned Republican turned
Democrat turned Republican.
For now.

Hall switched the day after the Nov. 4 elections when he ran as a Democrat.

When he first registered to vote, it was as a Democrat. He switched to Republican and  ran for the House of Delegates in 2006 and lost. He switched back to the Democratic party and won elections to the House of Delegates and the State Senate.

Republicans also have a 64-36 control of the House of Delegates. For the first time since 1931, the GOP is in charge of both chambers.

Why be such a political chameleon? 

In 2013, Hall explained:  "Both parties, on a national level, do not represent what West Virginians believe in. I'm not a party guy; I'm there to try to do what's right for my district, and I think the general public, the citizens, they almost always vote for the candidate."

If the voters are upset with his decision, Hall said they can vote him out in two more years.

Then he can run again, but with which party?

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