Saturday, October 17, 2015

Time for Monongahians to step up

Well, Whitehall donated the eight lights to decorate Monongah streets for Christmas.

Now, Monongah High grad Susan Sanders says, the townsfolk need to come up with $400 for the brackets to install the lights.

Susan wrote:

“I have received wonderful ideas for raising money for our Christmas lights. Can you all meet with me. It can be in the evening after 5 or a Saturday/Sunday. We need to order the brackets for the lights that were given to us. There are 8 of them. So let me know when is good for you. We will need approximately $375.00/$400.00 for them. Thank each and every one of you. Susan.”


Susan plans to set up an account at a bank and donations can be made at the town water office.


Businesses can purchase a light and have a banner with their names on it.


You may contact Susan on her Facebook page.

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