Jay Holman, Class of 1971, has covid.
Jay reports:
“I got it from a co-worker who refused to
wear a mask. Covid got me.”
Jay Holman and wife Margaret, a Fairmont West graduate, were
married in January 1974 in Fairmont. They have 3 sons, Jay III, Robert and
Michael, Michael Holman, son of Jay Holman, Class of 1971, is North Carolina’s Career
and Technical
Educations Teacher of the Year in 2017.
Jay and Margaret live in Atlantic Beach, North Carolina.
Jay got has masters of science from WVU in
1997. He’s from Carolina. Jay was a ground mechanic
for the Air Force during the Vietnam War.
He also has a major role in Class of 1971
reunions or just plain get-togethers along with Monongah Councilwoman Susan Staron Sanders, who founded and
heads the Monongah Christmas Lights Committee that provides holiday lights on
utility poles all over Monongah including next to my Church Street childhood
home that I purchased and Mary Kitty Ahouse Morrison, who helped me with the
2021 Monongah High and Monongah residents party that I hosted with my sister
Jackie Olesky Straight, Class of 1955, in the Monongah Town Hall.