Daytona Beach, I’m giving you fair
I know you’ve survived spring break
with collegians prancing all over the place. But you ain’t seen nothing yet.
The Ahouse party animals will be
carousing on your beaches like NASCARs in human form in less than two weeks.
Joyce Ahouse Blake, Kitty Ahouse
Morrison, Class of 1968, Sue Ahouse Schrader, Class of 1971, and Joyce’s
sister-in-law, Theresa, will be invading.
I guess they’re leaving brother Mike
Ahouse, 1985 North Marion graduate and a mailman living in Monongah, home
alone. Mike is no piker. He’s been to 45 states.
Oh, well. New York City, Key West,
Mexico and dozens of states survived the Ahouse avalanche.
But Daytona Beach
may never be the same. They’ve never heard a roar like the Ahouse roar, even
when NASCAR drivers earn a living there.
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